Wednesday, June 25, 2014

It's been so long since I've written anything at all. Not like it matters. Not like there's someone calling me up saying " Where have you been? I haven't seen any new posts!" But anyways, here is a new post in 2014. there probably wont be another one till next year unless I remember by some miracle that I actually have a blog. Which nobody reads. Except for myself.

So for all the dissatisfaction in the world today I amazes me that more people do not ask more questions. ( not of me. Just in general.) It's like everything is at a boiling point but the frogs are all comfortably willing to die rather that hop out of the pan. The economy is clearly being manipulated just so that it can be determined which puppets jump the quickest. Violent religions are being used to cast a bad perspective on all religions and to make religious people look like brainwashed freaks.  And still no one is interested in looking and searching for the truth. And politics, global and otherwise, are just one big comedy of errors except for the lack of the comedic element. Does anybody still believe in the joke " of the people, by the people, for the people"? Hmmm....

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A question I ask myself.

What is freedom exactly? We (in the free world) say we enjoy freedom, but who has defined freedom? We are all in some way or another tied to some sort of shackle. It could be something as mundane as the electricity bill or as serious as a chronic illness.
What is freedom? Do we really have to fight to keep it or does it evaporate the moment we breath on that mirror? and once we'v fought for it are we really free? Or do the scars of the fight shackle us to a bad memory?
What is freedom? Do we carry around the thing we love like a heavy burden, but cannot bear to part from it?

Thursday, July 12, 2012

So, I am an avid talker as long as there is a a reasonable discussion to participate in. I love answering questions because it is very rare that I don't have an answer. I love getting to the point of things, and I like discussing and debating subjects that I don't have strong answers for. I am really interested in knowing what your one biggest question of all time is and it doesn't matter what that question is. Let me know!